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What do you do when two outstanding candidates are vying for the same position at your firm and they have been neck and neck throughout the recruitment process, how do you decide which person to hire? Here are four strategies to consider:
Want to see if Accountests will work for your firm? Click on the button for a FREE trial - use it on a candidate or get one of your staff to give i...
Starting a conversation about under performance is never easy. Acknowledging the role you play in this person’s success (or otherwise) is crucial to setting the stage for a constructive discussion
Guest author Ed Chan from Wize Mentoring walks us through the 3 top principles to get the best out of your accounting staff. This is the key to working ON your business and not IN it.
Hilary Briggs shines a timely light into the perplexing subject of whether to invest in Team Building during tough economic times, and recommends an effective approach to match budgets and circumstances
In a candidate short market, the increasing time pressures and lack of talent are forcing some quick hiring decisions. But lowering the standards of your selection process is not the solution. Selecting the wrong candidate costs more than time and money. As one firm owner recently found out, bypassing valuable steps in the hiring process cost him not just money, but time, reputation, and even his own wellbeing.
Maintaining a robust selection process with choosy candidates in a labour shortage is just another day in the challenges of management. Here’s a guide for landing great selection decisions in a tough job market.
With the working lives of so many impacted by COVID-19, it’s understandable that candidates’ priorities are changing too. Adjusting your approach can help you to attract talent despite industry challenges. Here’s a look at what to consider, and how to ensure your people strategy stays strong.
Want to see if Accountests will work for your firm? Click on the button for a FREE trial - use it on a candidate or get one of your staff to give i...
We are all increasingly aware that counteroffers are rife. And with a major talent shortage, they will happen even more often. Most recruiters have a few ideas on how to handle this, but they do too little, far too late. Welcome to the sophisticated recruiting 2021 and beyond.
Every interaction with a candidate reveals their commitment and most importantly their attitude. Once you have your preferred candidate, you will know in the first 3 months if they are the right candidate because what they do in the first 3 months is what they will do for the next 30 years.
The purpose of shortlisting is to assess candidate’s suitability and identify those who best meet the selection criteria and who are most likely to be capable of carrying out the duties of the job.
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